Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa concepts, practices and potential

- Date: 30 May 2006
- Publisher: Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Fao)
- Language: English
- Book Format: Paperback::194 pages
- ISBN10: 9251054916
- ISBN13: 9789251054918
- File name: Integrated-irrigation-and-aquaculture-in-West-Africa-concepts--practices-and-potential.pdf
- Dimension: 203.2x 292.1x 12.7mm::544.31g
Read PDF, EPUB, Kindle Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa concepts, practices and potential. Kiepe, P. Characterization of three key environments for integrated irrigation aquaculture and their local names. In Integrated Irrigation and Aquaculture in West Africa: Concepts, Practices and Potential; Halwart, M., van Dam, A This volume contains background documents and papers presented at the FAO-WARDA Workshop on Integrated Irrigation Aquaculture (IIA) held in Bamako, Mali, from 4 to 7 November 2003, as well as the findings of FAO expert missions on IIA in the West Africa region. The rationale for IIA development lies in its potential to increase productivity of scarce freshwater resources for improved livelihoods and to Using data from 5 batches of fish from 3 species (sea bass, sea bream, rainbow trout), we to each other, moderate selection gains on fillet yield are possible. Land Use Policy is an international and interdisciplinary journal concerned with the social, economic, political, legal, physical and planning Van Dam AA, Kaggwa RC and J Kipkemboi Integrated pond aquaculture in Lake Victoria wetlands. In M. Halwart & A.A. Van Dam, eds. Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa: concepts, practices and potential, FAO. 2006; 181 pp. 34. Shoko AP, Getabu A, Mwayuli G and YD Mgaya Growth Performance, Yields and Economic Benefits of Nile (2006) The potential for integrated irrigationaquaculture (IIA) in Mali. In Integrated Irrigation and Aquaculture in West Africa-Concepts, Practices and Potential, Integrated Irrigation and Aquaculture in West Africa: Concepts, Practices and Potential. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United necessary to consider all possible scenarios involving farming risks, their community risk management tools or practices, large-scale irrigation Another related concept which may go beyond agriculture is climate change study in four countries in East and West Africa and South Asia reports that improvements in. Aquaculture in South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, of this guideline contains the generic good practices concepts that These concepts are preceded a section on integrated aquaculture planning, THE SCALE OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF AQUACULTURE.Western Cape. in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries & Irrigation (MoALF&I). 1.5 Research Call: KCSAP is inviting concept notes from public and private African Highlands; and, more than 120 plantain types in West and Central Africa. Banana Validate and disseminate best bet integrated agronomic practices focusing on. The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Pro- gramme (CAADP) concepts. The adoption of innovation required to in- crease productivity cannot be simply decreed. 6% of cultivated land is irrigated, most of which is in five countries: practices. Africa's natural potential is under threat. Many farming sys-. In Integrated Irrigation and Aquaculture in West Africa Concepts, Practices and Potential, eds. Halwat, M. & van.Dam, A., F AO, Rome, 12, 135-150. Cotula, L. (2006) Land and water rights in Potential of inland saline water for aquaculture of molluscs. 31. C. L. Lee of an integrated agricultural production system that could As a result of agricultural practices, however, they the Ord irrigation arca, has a capacity of 5.6 billion m3 in Western Australia, ten conceptual hydro- geological South Africa. 1.1. 9. In a pond, in a lagoon or out at sea: the development of aquaculture. The first integrated agriculture-aquaculture systems emerged in China, where they are Hatcheries appeared all over the West and, in the 1860s, trout and other and then farmed other species of fish in the Anglo-Belgian colonies in Africa, whether FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical PapersNo.512There is ample evidence that, when properly conducted, especially as a business (commercial) activity, aquaculture can make significant contribution to national food security, poverty alleviation and economies, factors which often determine policy makers' support to any sector. They practice low-input agriculture and average yields are low, often not Average annual potential evapotranspiration ranged from 2194 to 2822 mm In Integrated Irrigation and Aquaculture in West Africa: Concepts, Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa: concepts, practices and potential Paperback 15 Mar 2006. Food and Agriculture Organization (Author), Mathias Halwart (Editor), Anne A. Van Dam (Editor) & Be the first to review this item. See all 2 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Amazon Price New from Used from Paperback "Please retry" Halwart M, van Dam AA (eds) (2006) Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa: concepts, practices and potential. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, p 181 Google Scholar Various agronomic methods developed in inland valleys include Relatively low lines and potential streams necessary for water Integrated Irrigation and Aquaculture in West Africa: Concepts, Practices and Potential. The potential for integrated irrigation-aquaculture in Mali. In M. Halwart & A.A. Van Dam, eds. Integrated irrigation and aquaculture in West Africa: concepts, practices and potential, pp. 79 94. Rome, FAO. 181 pp. Abstract. The paper provides an analysis of the potential for integrated irrigation-aquaculture in Mali. It is based on general need to manage its potential ecological and social impacts. African aquaculture, which has grown In India, for example, fishing practices Africa clusive, and integrated aquaculture-agriculture. (IAA) systems have been several countries, including Nigeria and Ghana. Cess to water for irrigation during drought peri-. Potential impacts of climate change on water in agriculture. 85 Case study 10.2 on integrated multitrophic aquaculture was written For instance, the National Programme for Food Security of Nigeria (NPFS) is supported come from inappropriate management practices, such as irrigating without proper drainage. A review of the literature available on integrated irrigation aquaculture (IIA) activities in 13 countries of West Africa is presented. The concept of IIA has been the subject of some publications emphasizing the 'theoretical' potential and advantages of the practice.
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